quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015


Há algum tempo foi anunciado que a autora Stephenie Meyer, em parceria com a Lionsgate, produziria sete curtas-metragens relacionadas a história de "Crepúsculo". Agora finalmente podemos assistir a esses mini filmes, todos disponibilizados no Facebook.

Os curtas são parte de um concurso para revelar novas cineastas, um projeto iniciado pela própria Stephenie Meyer que disse ter observado a falta de mulheres nesse cargo na maioria dos trabalhos no qual esteve envolvida.

Com cerca de 1300 roteiros recebidos e mais de 150 cineastas inscritas, sete diretoras foram selecionadas para a final e cada uma recebeu em torno de US$50,000 para produzir seus filmes, cujas histórias são baseadas nos personagens do mundo de "Crepúsculo". A informação é do Entertainment Weekly.

Uma votação foi aberta para que você possa dizer qual é o seu favorito. Mas a decisão de quem será a vencedora não é totalmente do público, já que o júri para determinar o curta-metragem ganhador conta também com pessoas ligadas a Lionsgate, a própria Meyer, as cineastas Jennifer Lee (Frozen) e Catherine Hardwicke (Crepúsculo), além das atrizes Kristen Stewart, Kate Winslet, Octavia Spencer e Julie Bowe.

A "Saga Crepúsculo" conta com quatro livros - "Crepúsculo", "Lua Nova", "Eclipse" e "Amanhecer " -, lançados no Brasil pela Editora Intrínseca. O último livro foi dividido em duas partes no cinema, totalizando cinco filmes que fizeram um grande sucesso ao redor do mundo.

Confira abaixo os sete mini-filmes:

"The Mary Alice Brandon File", de Kailey and Samantha Spear

The Mary Alice Brandon File
Watch #TwilightStories short THE MARY ALICE BRANDON FILE and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!Set as a moody period drama with a pinch of Gothic mystery, THE MARY ALICE BRANDON FILE explores Alice's resilient spirit as her dark past is revealed. Directed by Kailey and Samantha Spear.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"The Groundskeeper", de Nicole Eckenroad

The Groundskeeper
Watch #TwilightStories short THE GROUNDSKEEPER and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!In THE GROUNDSKEEPER, Alice and her fearless confidante grapple with the grave choices they are forced to make when a unique kind of hunter has Alice in his sights. Directed by Nicole Eckenroad.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"Consumed", de Maja Fernqvist

Watch #TwilightStories short CONSUMED and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!CONSUMED is the emotional story of Jane's past. Like her brother Alec, Jane was always "special," but in their quaint hamlet, their specialness inspires scorn and has terrible consequences until a mysterious stranger comes along and takes an unusual interest in them. Directed by Maja Fernqvist.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"Sunrise", de Amanda Tasse

Watch #TwilightStories short SUNRISE and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!Terrified that his own special power has caused so much harm, Benjamin turns away from the world. SUNRISE details Benjamin's return to his human roots, where he can no longer hide from the girl that stole his heart long ago. Directed by Amanda Tasse.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"Masque", de Cate Carson

Watch #TwilightStories short film MASQUE and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!After her transformation, Esme's struggle to overcome her craving for human blood is only intensified by the painful memories of her tragedy-ridden past. In MASQUE, Carlisle helps Esme find hope for the future...and maybe even a family. Directed by Cate Carson.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"We’ve Met Before", de Yulin Kuang

We've Met Before
Watch #TwilightStories short film WE'VE MET BEFORE and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!In WE'VE MET BEFORE, Alice and Jasper meet for the first time...or so it would seem. As the conversation evolves, the history of their true and everlasting love is coyly revealed. Directed by Yulin Kuang.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

"Turncoats", de Lindsey Hancock Williamson

Watch #TwilightStories short TURNCOATS and vote for the grand prize winner at http://lions.gt/votetwstories!Set against the backdrop of the American Revolution, TURNCOATS explores the characters and events that forged Garrett and Carlisle’s enduring friendship. Directed by Lindsey Hancock Williamson.
Posted by The Twilight Saga on Terça, 14 de julho de 2015

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